

                        “There are times when we should consider matters beyond our normal scope”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Many areas, in life, lie beyond our normal scope. A good example of this is found in the fact that our, human, subconscious/ autonomic system functions, perfectly, without conscious interference; however, if we do become aware of such activities, first priority should be to properly re-introduce, the activity, to that proper authority. If “editing” is called for, so be it…but it is essential that control is returned quickly.  Example: We normally breathe without thinking about it; but when our conscious control takes over, it assumes responsibility for the function…we actually think about when to take our next breath, etc. Thank goodness most of such functions, in life, are well performed without any need of conscious awareness…But there were, likely, times when, upon conscious consideration of certain matters, we failed to fully and properly restore important functions to their proper authority.


                                                                                 Introduction to Focus  


     This project is a product of the efforts of many, but presented in a very ‘personal’ format.  We hope that this initial offering will be useful.  The plan is to use it as a starting point for many future projects.

      The current work will be updated as soon as we are able to do so.  Similarly, increased depth, new projects, etc. will be added.  It is the beginning of a concentrated collaboration, aimed at providing all of us with a kind of “touchstone” for finding appropriate “direction”, when searching for solutions to primary human needs.                                                                                                                                                          

      As children, we began to embark upon, what was to be, a lifetime of learning experiences. For instance, most of us learned to walk by, first, developing sufficient “balance skill” to support our body with our hands, knees, (etc.), alternately, until able to put all of our weight on our feet. That exact progression was not, necessarily, the only way to learn the skill, but it served us, well.  The same would be true as we learned to communicate, with signals, words, etc….more examples of “learning devices”, shared by most of us. 

     “Speech” development took on, even, more varied form, in each of our lives, but, there again, we shared sufficient “common need” that “formal” community efforts(such as primary schools, etc.) were very useful in helping us learn to read, write, basic arithmetic, etc..  Of course, these formal efforts were only as effective as the “outside” influences, in our lives, would allow. Such factors were different for each of us, but as we grew up, we all benefited, in many ways, from such “community” efforts.

     Now, for many people, formal education, often, resulted in more harm done than good (a subject targeted for future work, on this project), but for now, we will stay focused on the advantages afforded to most of us. 

     This project, like a new form of community effort, is expected to be (progressively), advantageous to many, while less so, to others. We hope that, eventually, more people will benefit, if even, indirectly

     Our premise is based on a “proposition” of “where” we are able to see ourselves, now… at this time. Accordingly, it will be upgraded (bit by bit), but, always, with total appreciation for its “historical” base!  In other words, we want to start, somewhere that provides a solid base for future work. Any modification would only be made as a complement to this base

     During life, on this earth, people engage in many, varied, activities.  Often, need for involvement, in some of these, did not become apparent until “late in the game”!..we had to play “catch-up”, when joining in ongoing efforts (whether we supported the activity or not).  The activities demanded immediate attention!  In order to deal with such “ongoing” activity (while, also, considering one’s own personal situation), it was often necessary to undertake some efforts with haste.   

     Meeting such challenges, regularly, (and, often, for sustained periods) we, instinctively, poured in more effort (“above and beyond” actual requirement) There were “side effects”…in many cases, a lot!  The “surplus” energy provided “impetus” for quick “resolution” of an issue (our primary aim); but sometimes, “overkill” occurred!  Use of unnecessary energy, took a toll!

     This is a fairly common experience in life…one which gives “pause” to “regroup and revitalize (at least, take a breath).   “Rejuvenation” allows opportunity for renewed evaluation of circumstances. As an example of the foregoing, suppose that during the time we were about to begin learning to read, circumstances called for, our family to move to a part of the world, where our native language was not used?  The question of: “how important is learning this language, now?” may have influenced us, but a sense of urgency (to learn) remained strong. Not to continue on this path, would cause a loss of accumulated progress (also, some need, for such literacy, was deemed likely, in the future). We may have “doubled up” on our studying and, at the same time, accelerated preparation for our move.  We accomplished much, but it probably took a toll. We may have “short changed” a very elementary area of our education…we may have poorly prepared ourselves for our new life, abroad…or we may have caused other damages. Similar dilemmas, particularity, afflict children and others with little control over their circumstances. Also, experiences, from the distant past, still, affect us. We are probably not aware of them, but even if we are, they will be difficult to rectify, now.   

     The example is given to suggest just how common this type of experience is (although, often, barely noticeable on the surface). One thing is certain: individuals, with greater ability to predict their own future, are better able to apply themselves, at the right moment. (as well as being better prepared for that future)    

     Being surprised by such situations gave us cause us to approach matters with greater thought and care. When we consider engaging in thought requiring considerable insight, substantial warning alarms should sound. Accepting that such times do lay ahead (requiring good insight), we must be able to observe, clearly, so that we might see, clearly…to evaluate the amount of energy required (in accordance with the relative urgency demanded).                                     




                                Continue on to: INTRODUCTION to Pilot Base    


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