


    There is a very important aspect of our lives that affects the ability to advance. Although quite obvious, it is usually ignored. It is a base, from which, activities are launched that destroy lives. We’re talking about the basic tendency to form habits. The better ones help us, greatly, in life. The bad ones lead to self-destruction.  Some are started intentionally…others unintentionally. In all cases, however, very elemental forces come into play…forces more powerful than our conscious decisions. Those deep lying factors are what give habits a life of their own, long after any decision to implement ( conscious  or not ) has been forgotten. This is why it usually takes a little more than just a new decision to end a habit. This project was created to provide a framework and a focused guideline for use in such efforts.  Once the concept is clear, it may be applied as a format for an individuals own program. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                …focus aid…      

       Any actions, that we find ourselves repeating (regardless of conscious determination), over a substantial time span, are usually referred to as habits.  Those, that we have carefully installed, and which can, in retrospect, be seen as beneficial, are categorized as good habits. Habits that may not have been installed, so carefully,   and can be seen as detrimental, are called bad.  Most of our habits are usually not viewed as clearly falling into either category…a good, clear, understanding of just what role they are playing, in our life, may not be readily available. Often, this is all well and good…but, from time to time, it might be beneficial to take a general, overall, inventory of our habits. Of course, this project is intended to be useful toward the “personal formulation” of a program that might better enable a person to “come to grip” with some, particular, bad habit;  however, prior to the actual initialization of such a program, it may be helpful to consider  an “in-depth” picture of the primary nature of habits, in general


                                                                   Awareness Focus  

             …nature of habits…                                                                    

     When any of our activities, in life, seem to yield “favorable” benefits we experience a natural urge to replicate them… in some form. If such “benefits” appear quickly, the “motivation” appears, quickly…perhaps very quickly!  In fact, any time that even tiny “advantageous side effects” appear, this “motivation” asserts itself, (despite the fact that the “primary results” were, largely, detrimental). Indeed, the desire for “more”, “better”, etc. seems, often, more powerful than our need to be totally cognizant of our true situation, in life.  With the passage of time, inclination towards revisiting those “activities” decreases;  however, as our intellect becomes more dominant, we will still have the ability to, consciously, choose many options (including the very activity that was, previously, so disrespectful of our treasured “ability to choose”) Hopefully, that intellect is (by then))“well grounded” in truthfulness!  Reality does not respect your person…it, merely, exerts itself! 

     If our “intellect” has served us well, distance (in time) will offer much more opportunity for it to continue doing so in the future! The more you are able to distance yourself from “undesired influence”, the more “leverage” you gain, for your “intellectual” efforts. 

     The establishment of any habit is (at least) a somewhat “weighty” choice.  Perhaps, a good “rule-of-thumb” might be:  (l) When very easily “gravitated/motivated” towards anything, with any apparent “bad consequence”, we should assert our option for “time to think”!  A look” at how such actions might fit into the “big” picture, will give you a better view!  (2) Only when we have experienced “good results”, coming from actions that took place a good while ago (sufficiently for good, conscious intellect to be in control), should we consider the value of making similar actions…habits!

           …good habits…

     Good habits are essential in our lives.  Unfortunately, some time after their formation, we begin to take their benefits for granted!  That is not all bad. One of the main reasons we established them in the first place (in addition to strengthening our “total self”), was to expedite future activities… not slow them down with “excess contemplation”! In addition to taking them for granted, we may resent any effort we perceive to be associated with these good habits (even though, in reality, the only substantial costs, there, occurred way back at the time of formation). 

     As we grow older, “adolescent, oversensitivity to time”, may be “tempered”, somewhat, but conscious/unconscious realization, that much time has, already, been lost, may add much to our anxiety! Intensity builds. Yes, we may be anxious; but let’s not replay our mistakes of the past!  Yes, we may be able to offer good “rationality” for our “urgency”; but, when greater spans of our lifetime are used as comparisons, we see that “little” efforts, at the appropriate moments, yielded good advances, while mistakes, made in haste, lowered our present level of success…and we may (likely) be compelled to repeat many of those efforts.  

     “Good habits” are, always, subject to modification as we reach more advanced levels in our life.  When the time comes…the advantages of a new/improved regimen will become very clear.


          bad habits…

     From “compulsive inclinations”…through “mild habits”…and into the realm of  repetitive, confirmed, patterns” (commonly referred to as: “Addiction”), we find a common thread:  All of the terms, used to describe any habit, on some level, may be defined by the same words!... (examples: “repetition”, “compulsion”, etc., etc.) They differ, only, by “degree” (of power and direction).

     Of course we can’t consider comparisons with “good habits” as they are, fundamentally, formed, intentionally, but many “less conscious” activities, while difficult to classify (examples: physical “twitches”, etc., “accents” in speech, etc.),  may fall into “good” or “bad” categories, unknown to the person…but we may definitely compare any that you, as an individual, consciously want to eliminate.

     Within the most confined category we can describe, lies infinite variety.  No two people are alike.  Each “variety” includes an infinite number of “degrees of strength”!  The most careful study of one persons “habit experience” may offer little insight that might form a basis of comparison with another’s experience…but, still, bear in mind, that all “habits” share the fact that, in each case, forces, come in to play…encouraging pursuit,  of each one…for good, or for bad!   

     Do we have any control over such forces? The very definition  of the word “habit”, should remind us that these are ‘forces’ that seem to act, almost, with a “life/mind” of their own!

     In order to understand them, better, we will look for a method of “viewing” that will allow sufficient focus, while at the same time, maintaining an “overview”.

        (Note: For serious, or severe addiction, click here before continuing)

    As offered previously, “habits” range from the very good, to the very bad. In our attempt to focus, we may tend to choose (as our target subject), habits in “middle-ground”…those not yet defined as really very good or bad; however, we will not do so, now! That is because a good view of middle-groundmight, too quickly, lead us to categorize a habit as, either, good or bad…something most of us are very anxious to do (so that we may stop worrying about the thing).  It is much too inviting an idea. It encourages us to investigate these, thoroughly, to that end!(and, likely, delve deeply, divide and subdivide… to so classify)                                  

    That may seem all very well, and very good, but now… We will, instead, look into the stretch of the range regarded as “Good”. We do this for many reasons (many of which may not be clear, without close examination); primarily, however, it is because all “habits”, share that “common thread”, and from this “viewpoint” we’ll be less “intimidated”, within our thought process. We shouldn’t feel a need for “blinders”, etc., and can consider underlying truths, about “habits”, freely. Examination of our personal “good habits” may seem a million miles away from our real problems, but please...read on.

                                                          Another note on: GOOD HABITS                                      

     Hopefully, most of us have many of them. Commonly, the more influential ones, in our life, were instilled at a very early age. As a good, normal person, continually working to improve yourself, you found it was useful to adopt many of these to help with progressing in life. The degree to which this was so (and still is) is determined by past experience; however, later on, as one becomes concerned with problems involving “bad habits”, there may arise some suspicion of the very “thread” that all habits share!  Thus, at times (probably, when we are not at our strongest) there may occur to us a thought of “cleansing/freeing ourselves from the influence of all habits…perhaps, “regrouping” our “total person” may be possible. Often the, instinctive “urge to purge” comes over us. But, do we want to throw out the good with the bad? We most definitely do not…there are better ways!

     Perhaps, if we can develop a deeper understanding of how such forces work, it may be possible to affect an interdiction”(at critical points, in our thought process), deterring us from pursuit of bad paths!  Now, whenever it is possible to do this correctly, we should do so. But, consider that a very solid appreciation, for the underlying apparatus, may be very useful.  These forces are, literally, “moving” us, with little regard for our conscious will”! They are, often, the very most powerful influences, in our mind!

    Consider the elemental, all pervasive, forces of matter and energy (i.e.: solids, liquids, gravity, heat, cold, light, dark, physical pressure, etc., etc.,…in other words, what we are looking at, here, is a force, that involves our physiological senses! Simply put, it is the inclination to value/respect anything we perceive to have been useful in the past. It includes “mental processes”, from the extremes of the “purely physical”…all the way to “consciously influenced thought”… the range may be wide.

   Obviously, feelings, associated with a more physical base, are of the strongest influence. They evoke instinctive reaction that supersedes any intellectual consideration. Therefore, even GREAT thought, given to this, usually “disconnects” from our own, immediate, personal reality! Expect such disconnection!…prepare!

                       … Mind Over Matter…     

   This is the point at which we must, “doggedly,” go in the direction we know is best, despite the presence of “voices” telling us that it is a “blind” path! (remember that such “voices” have, always, followed our first awareness, and after performing this function, may not, for a second time, be immediately available).

Do not be thrown by the feeling that we are “relinquishing control”…it’s just another new experience.  In other words, we have turned the reins over to our own “intellectual administration”, despite being aware that we are, in “fundamental” ways, physical beings!  Prepare for a new, improved life!


                                                                                A New Life

     Too fast? Sometimes life does seem to come at us fast. We should be ready for success, just as we should be ready for threats to our well being. Both represent “turning points” in life.

     If we have any idea of where we are headed… upon reaching a “turning point” (the “signs” having been read), we must be able to respond, appropriately. This may require “action”… or it might involve “deliberation”, but it must be based on good, sharp awareness of our overall “new” situation. The sooner this is realized, the sooner we can take our first steps.

   Now… if we have attained the foregoing (with reasonable “grades“), a few shortcomings, on our part, (that have been carried over from the past), need not be a concern. We are here…now!…at this point! We will factor everything in, making the best, of our overall situation. We will resolve such matters ASAP. (…but should it be necessary to “carry” some things forward, that is acceptable…just, continue to see these, clearly…until properly resolved (or, maybe even, incorporated into some, future, “new life”).



                                                              Program Application

  Hopefully, the foregoing discourse has brought the reader to a more focused realization of  personal ability” which may be utilized to gain control over habits.  This heightened focus, while appearing to be quite obvious, must be applied, regularly, while actual application is under way…the reason it has been emphasized, here. 

     All of us possess some of this ability.  We have used it, on countless occasions, to achieve conscious objectives.  The only serious  question, remaining is one of the strength of that ability…as opposed to the strength of any particular obstacle we need to overcome. We must possess sufficient strength to accomplish our goals. 

    Strength varies, greatly, from person to person. More importantly, it varies, greatly, within the experience of one individual.  Building on one’s strength is always important, in life. Healthy gains in any area contribute to gains in other areas. ( a theme, often repeated on this site.)  Likewise, the elimination of items that lessen or dilute our strength…contributes to the increasing or concentration of our strength…(a primary motivation for eliminating bad habits, in the first place).


  …Overcoming Bad Habits…

     Sometimes, even very tiny ( and, seemingly, unimportant ) bad habits can be very difficult to overcome.  What may be easy for some may be, nearly, impossible for others.  This is a fact…but, one that we should not concern ourselves with, here…and now!  First, we need to make an evaluation of our own, individual strengths or limitations. Upon completion of this, we will be able to construct  an outline ( or framework ) to be used in our plan of attack. 

     A good awareness, (current)understanding  and acceptance of our limitations is absolutely essential to the successful outcome of our attack!  If we attempt too great an undertaking, we will fail.  Yes, we aspire to major accomplishment…but often it is necessary to utilize very clever plans to obtain lofty goals. 


     What is the best approach to dealing with our own, personal, bad habits?  What is the best way to affect permanent, complete elimination of, one ( or some ) of our worst habits?  A very fundamental truth, in life, is: “most important things first”.  Using this idea as a reason to attack our apparent biggest problem, do not overlook an even more fundamental truth: “first things first”!  If we are fully strong enough to take on what we see as our greatest adversary, then that is definitely what we should do.  If we are not, then our plan should be one that builds us up…towards that occasion. We may want to target one habit, or many, but the sum total of all battles ( to be, simultaneously, engaged ) must be clearly surmountable…otherwise, another plan is needed. Remember that getting rid of even a very minor problem ads to our future ability.  It is progress. 

     Once a clear target is visible, it should be carefully analyzed for strengths and weaknesses.  If possible, aim to exploit those.  Possibly, the most effective thing we can do is to find a way to divide it into sectors, attacking the strongest area that can be easily overcome.

…Plan of Attack…

     Consider your overall strategy and plan…including a plan for action/commitment following initial success. Know that upon commencement, you have committed yourself to the complete and total victory over this habit!  You must continue to perform all of the tasks in your program, to completion.  Rest may not be an option, for you…for some time.  Yes you may become anxious to return to a normal routine…that is fine.  In fact you will, likely, find yourself much more able to deal with normal matters…however, some things will have, now, changed.  This a new life.  Deal with it as such.  Remember that this has been your choice. You may forget your past problems of weakness.  You are a new person.  People you come into contact with who can accept you, now…you will be able to deal with properly.  Do so.  Those choosing not to accept you as you now are, assume an unrealistic perspective…giving you a clear advantage.  Use it appropriately. 


     The simple answer to this is:  “What’s keeping you?”  If you haven’t already begun to do so, why wait any longer?...Perhaps a good answer is: “NOW”!...If you still need to take further steps preparing yourself for a successful outcome…finedo that! (how about now?)  Use and apply these thoughts to your personal situation.  Apply as needed, continuously and repeatedly.  As you become more successful in your achievements, apply them toward higher goals…but be aware of the need to see things in proper perspective.  This project, like other concepts, in life may be very helpful…but, there are, always, more ideas and concepts that will come our way, in the future.  Seek them out.  We can take some small step towards a better world!                                


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