Mind Power     Impact/Handle Addiction More Effectively with Stronger…





Yes, you can, soon, be enjoying the benefits of a new, improved, mind!

  Now, with the help of applied technique, it’s not only possible to improve your mind…you may, actually rejuvenate it!

   Since we began…our mind has been subject to servicing whatever needs we would call upon it to address. Although, we experienced good and, even, great times, there were, likely (shall we say), times of significant “unhappiness”!…Times, when high levels of discomfort seemed to be accompanied by, relative, confusion!

Yes; confusion that, due to a need for quick response, may not have been fully dealt with… until later…if at all. 

    Even if it was examined, later…by then, crucial elements may have become less clear. The problem with all of this was, that, during earlier, more formative years, we were establishing “mental infrastructure” that would serve us, for many years. It would do most of us great good to “revisit”, or at least, “service” the needs of our mind. We can do so.

   This effort: “Memory Project” was undertaken with, precisely, that in mind. You may care to go there, quickly, to advance that specific goal of “mental nurturing/strengthening”, but, please, consider first, establishing a “grounding” in the discipline, and “methodology” that is used here. To do so, you might explore, the site, a little. We suggest beginning at the beginning...Renew Focus (Home Page)


Also, in-depth insight discipline is addressed at:  Renew Focus Insight Project  

Other areas may be accessed, here:  Introduction to Site/Contents