Encouraging Intensive Use of Insight


Renew Focus Insight Project


“Dedicated to the support of efforts to renew focus, in three areas”:

1. Whole Self

2. Self-Specific

3. Basic Social Needs


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   Focus, in life, is the ability to see, clearly, whatever one has determined to ‘look’ at. Whether the ‘focus’ is of great, enduring value, or is of less importance (and possibly more transient)…it is, still, referred to as ‘focus’.

  Our primary theme, is concerned with ’focus ability’, in all areas; however (as will be, often, be pointed out) if one fails to stay secure/strong in (some of the most)‘fundamental’ areas of life... new needs/requirements are integrated, into the ‘overall’ plan. The most ‘fundamental’ focus must be, seriously re-evaluated. The ‘degree’ (in depth) to which focus must be renewed, indicates the ‘degree’, to which, these principles (laid out here) should be applied.

    In order that you might be able to derive the maximum benefit, from the use of ‘tools’, offered here, it will be necessary to acknowledge the kind of appropriate respect that your own clear insight deserves …as it attempts to serve you in envisioning/evaluating your personal needs


                          “Staying Focused”

   So long as one is able to stay focused, on a required subject, there is no need for ‘renewed focuses. Therefore, it would seem that, perhaps, a better title might be: “Staying Focused”. But, although, staying focused is often the primary goal (even, one that should be pursued doggedly)…other matters may interrupt and demand our attention. An ability to adopt a new focus…one inclusive of all the necessary areas we must tend to…is the preferred solution…a form of rapid/automatic renewal. An ability to perform such a feat has become extremely important, in our world, today. Rapid and regular changes, taking place, often require swift readjustments in our thinking. Because these changes are necessary, natural, inevitable, etc., they should be, both, respected and expected. Lengthy, elapsed periods of time…between the moment focus is lost to a point at which an attempt to reconcile it, with the new goal is interjected, often necessitate a completely new, conscious, attempt to achieve proper renewal of focus. This, as well as ability to almost automatically combine pursuits, can be greatly enhanced, by dedicated ‘practice’ of ‘renewal disciplines’ such as are suggested in these pages.

   But, before reading further, reconsider the title of this preface: ’Staying Focused’…it is a key to success, in life. Knowing that we need to stay focused on the most primary goals, regardless of what future realities may demand of our attention, it is necessary to become completely grounded, in the faith that these values will, always continue to endure…regardless of what, later, facts and solid reasoning…do absolutely prove to be true. Only this deep and abiding faith can provide the kind of foundation upon which future needs can be properly evaluated. Many new and changing situations will require a renewal in focus…but if one’s personal sense for the most elemental of all imaginable forces of life, remains intact…then…good methods, by which one may continuously/indefinitely add to and improve upon, are available.



                                       Renew Focus


   It’s why this site was created, and is being developed, as something that                 can be used as a tool…to be used, by an individual, to renew personal focus whenever needed.

   First, it has a general purpose. In this capacity, it is suggested that we begin the exercise by applying it to the most simple, seemingly unimportant, activities. That way, any time, spent, was only going to be used for non-essential purposes, anyway. That’s why we have suggested starting with leisure activities. Development of good, sound habits, in pursuit of renewed focus, in these areas will enhance more critical, future application. In addition, most of the time invested, there, will likely be time well spent.


  How can we regain a great, clear focus on life like we once had?It is the purpose of this site…to generate ‘self-help’ projects towards this goal…(and, also, for a future development of articles aimed at addressing fundamental concerns to which such focus may be applied.)

   It seems that good, clear focus does not stay with us, consistently/indefinitely. Often, it can become unclear, in rather short order! There are two underlying reasons for this: First, it is usually prudent, for us, to limit our picture, of the road ahead, to one which is clear and near…with the (attached) long range view being more for “bearings”/ peace of mind. We may soon be traveling beyond the “frame” of our “picture”. Secondly, even nearby areas may become obscured, due to distractive factors…things that just seem to appear from out of nowhere, despite our diligent efforts to avoid them.

   The purpose of this website is to provide the individual with tools that may be utilized for enhancing such efforts. The following observations are a continuing evaluation of this general topic of renewing focus, in life. The various projects, on other pages (links on top) deal with topics chosen for what, we feel, are not only the great role they play in a person’s life, but, also, future urgency, that might be better served when these are given more attention.


The main purpose, in renewing one’s focus, is to establish priorities. As we attempt to do this, our attention will be, alternately, focused on things that are vast…and things representing our tiniest personal needs. As we seek direction, we may discover matters of the greatest importance…but, then, other matters that are of a greater urgency. We try to find a balance, between these two.

It is life’s most important projects that we should pursue, in earnest…but, when urgency demands it, we must focus sufficient resources to deal with the situation, immediately…until a satisfactory degree of success has been achieved…then, renew our focus and go back to doing the most important work we can find. Only long term solutions offer hope for the future…but those must be built upon the solid foundation we are laying right now.


                  Renew Focus

   It is good to renew focus in life from time to time, anytime our current view fails to clearly encompass all areas of concern. Lack of clarity may lead to errors.

Focus is adjusted in increments of “degree”. Every method used to communicate infers some degree of quantity, intensity, etc. with each term or device it employs. If verbal dialog is the method used, every word used is subject to this… not just the adjectives, adverbs and other parts we expect to find. For example, simple, common words such as: “the” and “a” may infer much more than just their usual introduction to the following word. They may be used to indicate very exclusive singularity! Such inference is more obvious, in verbal expression than written, but exists in both. When a communication method such as physical force is the media chosen to convey a message, the degree of intensity is often so strong that it creates an atmosphere which “clouds” its very intent. Excessive degrees of force are generally only used after original intent has been abandoned…and replaced by such goals as punishment, etc..

   The fact that many terms, used in our communication, may be misunderstood (in increments of degree) is a very prime cause of much serious misunderstanding in human affairs. Recognition of “increments of degree”, requires focus!

   Acknowledging a need to renew focus can be a pleasant experience, if we have the time for it…otherwise it may be rejected. Whenever possible, we should make time for it! Taking the time to do so will pay great rewards in “time saved”, down the road…in addition to the many bad side effects from errors made.



   In order to begin this program, with maximum clarity and minimum confusion, we will start in an area, of life, that is least likely to invoke thoughts conflicting with any subject matter of great importance. This area, while important, in our lives, is, by definition, quite apart from that which concerns us most gravely. Let’s, first, begin to deal with:


Leisure Activity

The following suggestions are simple exercises, designed to strengthen general, overall ability to renew focus, in life. Like anything else, regular practice develops ability. Remember, though, as we progress (as in any area of life) increased ability brings with it increased responsibility! Distractions will, also, make their presence felt…with greater intensity. At such a time, your first and only move must be a return to primary goals. Develop and maintain easily accessible links with them.


Easy everyday exercises for development of mental self control


As soon as we make a decision to switch from a non-leisure activity to one which is, primarily, for relaxation or entertainment, etc., stop for a minute to consider activity which is not, presently on your mind. Instead of allowing yourself to be led by current thoughts or environment, close out all distraction, as much as possible, prior to looking at possibilities. Try to find some positive, appropriate activity, which can be placed in this area of your life, for future, continued use. If you can develop such a program, on your first attempt, do so…pursue it as much as is proper at that time. If not, make a “renewed attempt” in this effort at such future time(s) that this opportunity comes up.

Some Types of Leisure Activity:


Personal Leisure (Alone)…

Exercise, television viewing, reading, sports (alone), internet surfing, video games, etc., etc.

Even though you have chosen to use this time for leisure, your activity need not be one, solely, of “passing time”. Give thought to those things which might provide the most: pleasure, sense of balance, feeling of accomplishment, or any other positive experience. Seize on it, now. Type of exercise, which tv show, what areas to explore, etc., and how much time to allocate on each, are valid questions. Ask them…instead of “gravitating” towards your next activity. Expand such efforts in to as many areas as possible.


Social Leisure (family, friends, others)…

This area begs for the absolute maximum preparation and care. There is, always, a part of us that knows: “Social interaction is inevitable.” To some degree, that statement is, always, absolutely true. Even if stranded alone on an island, our thoughts would be permeated by consideration of possibilities for, eventual re-patriotism with society…not, only, concerning means to that end, but future activities, as well.

   To the degree we fail to have respect for the fact that all of us are fellow social beings, we are out of touch with reality. It may not be necessary to ever share the company of, or even be in the presence of another person…nor to see, hear or employ any means of communication. All human activity impacts the future, in some, way, whether it be tiny, huge, or, even, by omission!

   Acknowledging that foregoing premise, it should be seen that all contact with others should be undertaken with due care and consideration for many parties. Now, wait…this may, seem a bit extreme. Just how much ability do we have to determine when, where, why, or with whom our next human contact will be? Nonetheless, do we not desire to have some/more discretion, in this realm? But as we pursue such power, it is of great import that “extremes” not be employed. If certain contacts seem to be inevitable, though undesirable, one should ask the question “why”. Do likewise when desired contact seems to be denied us. There are probably factors here that are not visible at this time. In all cases, it behooves us to take the proper care and make the appropriate plans even if just to give it a little thought.

   Early, in our life, we began to cultivate social contacts…but, mostly, without much thought. Even more importantly, contact, with others, began beyond our control. Hopefully, we have been able to progress a lot, since then.

Before “reaching” out to others, think about the “areas” into which you will be “reaching”. Seek to address primary concerns, first…establishing a base, or level of understanding. Only upon the establishment of “solid ground” will you be prepared to advance, further…and, then, only to the extent relevant to your “good standing” on this level.



Final Notes


   Why does it seem a virtual inevitability that we will, so often, lose focus in areas that mean so much? There may be infinite possibilities wherein worthwhile efforts are “packaged” with irrelevant factors…highly impressive…encompassing such a vast domain that, by their very size, suggest “possibilities”!... Only sufficient dedication to “first things first” will keep our minds from wandering.


                                  Anxiety and Stress


   Anxiety and stress are factors that are aggravated, or even created, by distractions. They may, also, exist on their own.

   Do all you can to eliminate or alleviate factors causing anxiety or stress, but don’t allow such concerns to distract you. Instead, use them to “channel” your thoughts. Focus.


(Further background for this material can be found at: Introduction to Pilot FOCUS


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