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The World Today / Security Today


    Today, as in any time in history, we embrace some feeling, for security, as a means by which we may gage the freedom, available for any and all activities. Although our ancestors had similar (even, more routine) concerns, the moments, available for much contemplation were rare. Even rarer, was discussion among them.

    Only recently, have we begun to clearly appreciate the importance of serious thought (let alone, communication) about this basic need. We didn’t seem to have time for it. Even if life-threatening assault was moments away, one must, first, turn attention to any on-going attack, delivering quicker demise. First things, first! Before anyone, in our world today, can seriously think about most necessities (including food and water) they must be reasonably free of concern for impending, violent attack. Those other needs are important, but we must proceed, according to priority.

    On the other hand, argument may be presented which ascribes such “secondary” needs as “reasons” for the attacks!  Perhaps, when we have an opportunity to address secondary needs, we should do so with a greater level of appreciation for the concerns of others. 

      When any opportunity arises, to address on-going, or impending hostilities, it may be well to utilize increased levels of insight when looking at positions on both sides of the “board”.  Such increased attention (in such matters) is, obviously, mandated by past experience, as well as current. The fact that we are able to do more, in such areas, is the answer to those who may say: “What is the use in trying…it never worked, before!”

      So, then, here, in these pages, we present some thoughts for your consideration. As can be seen on our “Front Page”, we try to present material aimed at any one individuals’ personal desire to strengthen themselves in basic areas. Our Renew Focus page expanded, in this purpose (Section 1)…followed by, the more targeted efforts: ( Memory Project and the Habits Project ) of Section 2. Finally, we turned our attention to matters more directly focused on the concerns of all of us as a group ( Section 3).


   We are hopeful that this project might make some small contribution towards enhancement of individual appreciation for/awareness of, greater security…encouraging a more secure, strong, and self assured individual.  We need to be less vulnerable to destructive forces…both those without, and those which may have, (already) infiltrated our defenses. Only then can we be more sensitive to vital matters! A nation made up of stronger individuals is a stronger nation. The same principle applies to all humanity. People better able to meet their own needs are more capable of meeting the needs of others, who may be lacking/deserving.



                                                         (Speaking. More strongly…)

   So much of the world, today, seems to be headed to a bad place…on a bad track. If this world was an old car, in need of more repair, beyond it’s worth, we could trade it, scrap it, or get a new one. But, it isn’t. We can’t do that. The problem encompasses areas beyond our finite understanding. What can we do about that?  There’s plenty, we can do!  Instead of worrying about what we can’t do, we can move forward...with real actions!                


   Look around…think about it.  It’s easy to understand if you don’t want to think about it (but that’s what this little piece is all about): looking at, and seeing, clearlyacknowledging reality, as it is, now!  We should see this as a challenge!  If we don’t, we’re not trying hard enough.                      

    People, that seem all “happy” about how things are going, today, are the ones with the problem…They’re the ones who enjoy having huge “blankets” pulled over their eyes. They enjoy the pleasure of inserting their heads, deep, beneath the “sands”, of life…and they really, get their minds around the idea of enjoying all of this “happiness”!  

    But, just because you can’t enjoy something that’s not real, doesn’t mean you get no pleasure out of life.  The fact is…what’s real is real…what’s a dream is a dream.  If you’re not afraid to look at a problem, you’ll, probably, see it.  Only, then, can you, really, do something about it…otherwise, even when you’re doing something…you’re, only, dreaming about it.  Only take action with your eyes open…get more out of it. 

      Yes, the world’s messed up because of things many people did (long ago, and more recently) but that’s not the main concern, now. Mistakes were made. Now, we need to start working on what needs to be done…and we need to do it right!  That doesn’t mean it, all, has to be done, to completion, in one stroke.  It just means that: “every bit we do…do it right”…and …“let’s get started!   

     “Accepting” a situation as it is, does not mean that we are allowing it to exist.  We are, merely, accepting it into our “hands”, for the purpose of “handling” it.  We need a good “grip” on it!  Once that happens, it’s possible to carefully “pick-and-choose” the “adjustments”, needed.  The situation might call for going into the “heart” of it…or just making some “surface” changes. 

     This whole “society/culture” is “ate up” with attitudes that want to “put on band-aids”, make “quick fixes”, and, even, “carefully cultivate effective methods of closing our eyes…fast!”, whenever situations look like they might be a little rough.  This world, today, is in bad need of good strong people …to “stand up” and give it a little “push”!                            

   But, why me?...The big “question”, here, isn’t, necessarily, about “who’s in a position to change anything?” Usually, it’s about who will do all they can do!”  Right…it always comes back to renewing our efforts to do “what’s right’, and “do it better!”  Only an individual person can institute substantial change.   

     But, why does this, often, seem so repetitious?  Why don’t we seem to make more progress?  Maybe, we’re not putting enough effort into it…or, maybe, we’re trying too hard.  Only one thing is for sure:  “we need be more determined to do it right, the next time we attempt to renew focus. 



                                                    “Your Country First”

     The critical importance of a person placing the priorities of his own nation, before those of others, is a simple fact. Such principles should be applied by people of all nations.

     Before we are able to, meaningfully, contribute to the well being of others, we must be sustained by essential support, provided by a co-operative effort between ourselves and our own, immediate, society. In other words, we must feel safe and secure, here and now. Then, and only then, are we able to offer, much, to help others. Such a point of view is realistic and indispensable, to such efforts.   

    In addition to being secure, in our own surroundings, however…when we shift some of our focus to more distant places, we need a renewal, of such personal assurance, upon acquiring a wider view. This may be sensed/measured, on different scales, and subjected to many standards, but what counts, most, is our own, personal, degree of strength, in making such assessments. Just how sure are we of our own ability to do so? Only to the extent that this feeling of good ability exists, can we experience real satisfaction…where we stand…at that time. This thought reveals the essence of the reason to maintain and practice a system of renewing focus! We should improve ability to maintain focus on important matters, while, also, strengthening a protective system for renewing total, overall focus…to include important updates, as they appear. Only, when you are in a condition of strength and readiness, with tools for clear focus/insight, should you attempt to, seriously, consider distant topics, such as those, following, below:     


                                                            World Security/Communication

      At a time when ideas, expressed worldwide, are leading to significant appreciation for the true feelings of others

we are entering the threshold of a new era.  Humans have, always, aspired to this…but we’ve only, recently, arrived at a

time in which a large majority have been able to consciously  consider such a possibility.  This changes everything.  Many, in the past, may have seriously, considered such things, but were unable to make further progress.  Only now do we have the means to overcome obstacles that seemed     insurmountable (geography, etc. )…but, more than that that, many of us enjoy   heightened levels of ability to see things much more clearly…due, largely, to increased levels  of security and comfort.  The freedom this affords us, will allow an awakening  of appreciation for  better worldwide relationships.  In the past, many well meaning individuals, with awareness  of the need for nurturing human relationships, became overcome, by their very “longing”  for improvement !  As is the case of most pursuits, an unbridled “longing” leads one to focus on future possibilities …often, focus obtained in haste.  Pictures”,  created in this way, can affect/grip  our thinking and psyche without conscious awareness… anxiety  may grow  to become a dominant factor in our pursuits.  Only those with great fundamental strength, can harness such anxiety.  A substantial “degree” of such strength should be present prior to any consideration of substantial possibilities for the future.  Whenever our focus seems  to be less than clear , we should think about  “renewing”  that   focus!



     The amount of, real, personal security, enjoyed by most of us, today, is not, always, obvious. The threats we face, and the conflicts that are going on overshadow the fact that we have overcome much greater dangers, in the past. This is as it should be. We must continue to step up our efforts to deal with the problems we currently face. We need to work in support of efforts to do so…always in the light of where and how we, as a people, want the future to unfold.        

    Advancement in global security today requires much increased understanding between all governments. Of prime interest to the vast majority of the world’s population, is the quality(and amount) of communication that exists between the major “superpowers”.  Most people realize that these powers have, by far, the most ability to affect the levels of security of the other nations, from a global perspective. Within more regional areas, many nations have important security concerns, but the nations, involved, prefer to look to their own resources when help from the major powers is not necessary.

      Necessarily, in the past, there existed, only, limited collaboration between the dominant powers (US, Russia, China, etc.). Today, as these nations discover areas of mutual interest, the benefits of joint efforts become more evident. Such efforts will, gradually, realize goals shared by all of humanity.  It is this kind of activity, although often “behind the scenes”, that forms a more stable foundation for the future.  Those of us, not engaged in these activities, can contribute to the support of such effort by engaging in any positive actions, available to us.



The Essence of World Security…

     The essence of world security is, of course, tied to the very essence of human relations.  Historically, mankind has

dealt with major dispute by engaging in battle, compromise, or waiting” strategies.  Today, people are, increasingly, finding it relevant to get back to some of our most basic thinking, concerning our relations with our fellow man.  This comes as a result of frequent realizations concerning both the changing nature of others, and our own need to re-evaluate some of our current practices.  see:  Basic Human Relations



World Politics…

      Historically, international politics were driven, largely, by territorial and other issues involving military/power strategies. Today, matters of economics are the primary factors that drive politics. Those other concerns still remain, but an evolution of awareness helps our leaders to stay more focused on the heart of their national security issues…a little closer to the needs of their people.  Higher levels of military strength are being seen, more and more, as less important, than improved well-being of the populace. The politics of nations other than the “big powers”, while driven by greater concerns for their military security, are, also, more frequently confronted by the urgent needs of their citizenry. Once, again, economics takes priority.



Global Economic Strategy…

      All economic factors result from the collaboration of man and nature. In as much as this is undertaken with due understanding of the needs of both…human beings will gain in prosperity. Through education/communication, large numbers are becoming aware that their own, individual, personal attention to prime details of their economic activity, is quite important. Therefore, they are becoming more receptive to ideas that may be of real assistance.

      With good quantity/quality of educational and other (most primary) infrastructure in place, people of the more developed nations are in a position, now, to greatly improve their own living standards, with no further assistance than the sharing of a few good ideas. People in less developed parts of the world will, also, soon enjoy good levels of such ability, if their basic security levels are felt to be adequate…they will need just a little more help, mainly, in areas of communication and education.             more on this: (click) Specific Areas of Security/Economic Issues


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