Memory Project FAQ’s                                


(The quick/simple answers, given, for the following questions, are suggestions, not solutions, especially, where multiple occurrences are concerned. Only an understanding of overall, underlying causes, of such problems, offers real solutions.

Q: What do we mean by ‘memory loss’? A: This refers to any case in which information that has been placed, in memory, is not easily recalled.

Q: I just started noticing, I can’t seem to remember simple, short term things. Is this the beginning of something serious? A: Possibly, but perhaps, you are, merely, preoccupied (consciously, or subconsciously). In either situation, it is important to find the cause. Even if this passes, it may form a pattern

Q: I get dates, numbers, etc. mixed up, badly. Can I improve on this? A: If only specific data is involved, you, most likely, need to focus on the importance of the events, etc. associated with that data, and see if that is on the same level as the importance of events, etc. with associated data you do recall.

Q: What can I do to improve my short term memory? A: This can be as simple as the establishment of better priorities, in your life, in general. That is one of the primary aims of this site. Memories, from the distant past, may not be, readily available, but they may, very well, be clearly formed…and if really needed…accessible. More recent problems call for more attention (in terms of short term memory), because they, usually, involve complex, even conflicting information we are attempting to utilize, on multiple levels, simultaneously. This can only be accomplished, satisfactorily, with a very clear and functional mind. We can have that, of course, given that we take good care of our physiological selves. But small problems may come into all of our lives, and a time always comes for a good ’system’ refreshing, overhaul, cleaning, etc….and remember that, often, we need to re-focus on our goals, before ’starting up’, again.

Q: I was never very good at remembering names, but this seems to be getting worse, recently. Is there any help for me? A: This is, often, similar to “QUESTION 3”. If recalling certain names is a high enough priority for you, a little extra focusing should do the trick. If that ‘recall’ is of a lesser value, you should ask yourself why. Maybe you are motivated by unrealistic expectations, given your present situation, in life. But, always remember that abilities, like that, we, probably, did have, much earlier in life. They were part of our quality of life, and we will, forever think about, and, maybe, even aspire to possessing them, again!

Q: I’m quite young, but starting to forget a lot of things placed in memory. What’s up? A: Loss of memory, often results from the same conditions, at such an age, as at a later age; however, it leads one to think that you have, probably, already experienced many of the same abuses, to your mind, that people, much older, have undergone.

Q: Is ’memory loss’ a symptom of ‘mental illness’? A: Possibly, but the focus should be on the degree of seriousness. Minor variations of the problem exist in all of us.

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