Specific Areas of Security       Link to:  Prison Reform



                                 Economic Issues                                 

  People in parts of the world facing the most severe hardships wrought by man and nature will, at times, benefit greatly, from the aid of their fellow man. Not enough can be said about the importance of such matters. If any of us is able to come to their aid, in time of need…we should, certainly, do all we can. 

  Institutions have been established…more need to be. These are deserving of support. They can do considerable good. But it seems that many would be much better able to contribute to overall human welfare if not so limited by issues of politics…especially, in areas of large geopolitical scope (i.e. large national, international, etc.). This comes up, regularly, and should be of concern.  

  There are many reasons why politics plays a major role in the implementation (or hindrance) of human assistance programs. It is hard for many of us to appreciate a government’s political position when it appears to place the importance of other issues above that of human life!...But, then, there may exist other issues, which should take priority. As an example, there might be a related situation involving even greater loss of life.

  Perhaps greater clarification might be forthcoming, at such times. Misunderstanding can lead to wrong conclusions. Governments do owe a reasonable quality/quantity of communication to their own people. They would, also, do well to exercise good levels of clarity in their communication with the other nations of the world (and those peoples). The welfare of any person or group does and will continue to (in some degree) influence both the present, and the future, for all of us.



                                          General Overview:

                           The Big Picture

Where do we, as human beings sharing this planet, stand, and what does the future hold?


    If we look at our past, we see crude relations with our fellow beings…but without the pressures that exist, today, we may see it as a slower, more amiable time. Seniors, often, long for the good old days…just as seniors, undoubtedly, always have. The memories, we spend the most time with, usually… are the best of bygone times. But, in fact…if “time machines” became available, they would only be safe with substantial (modern) weaponry, on board. We have, indeed, made great advances in human relations…while the burden on those relations has increased.

    In the past, the biggest human challenge was to maintain peaceful relations. It still is…but in order to meet this challenge we must focus, much more, on the issues that drive human concerns.


                                               Energy & Water

  Globally, the need for increased resources in these two areas seems to dwarf most other matters of mutual human concern. In light of rapidly increasing modernization throughout the larger portions of our planet, we need more of both. The energy problem is clear to anyone with access to mass media. The water problem is fast becoming known as diseases, worldwide, overtake our ability to deal with them. Most stem from the water-born virus and bacteria, in inadequate drinking water supplies. 

    There is hope, in the form of technological advances in energy production. More affordable energy resources may enable us to, significantly, tackle many water problems. That is a question of time…and how we make use of it. But growing population places a burden on, general, “quality of life”…how we live, and what we hope for. 

     It is becoming quite clear that the lifestyle to which we are accustomed, and the socio-economic infrastructure, supporting it…are limited, at best. But what do we, really, need...a new world? Yes. Currently, we are transitioning, toward that goal. But to, substantially, appreciate ongoing change …where we are and where we are heading…will require good insight, and understanding, beyond what we inhabitants, of the “thin surface of everyday life”, are accustomed to. We, will do well, to the degree that we continue to progress.    Global Water Challenge


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